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OGQ SolBridge Global Supporters Initiation Ceremon...
Source: OGQ, NFT 마린블루스 리부트 클럽(MBRC)의 출시를 앞두고 글로벌 서포터즈 발대식 (dailycoinews.com) OGQ announced that it would start full-fledged activities after holding the 1st Global Supporters Initiation Ceremony with SolBridge International School of Business stu...
Coffee Chat Series One
We are delighted to announce SolBridge's FIRST EVER Coffee Chat Series. Get the chance to meet and chat with Mr. David Choi, the Blockchain Team Leader at OGQ.OGQ is a social creator platform that provides an environment where creators from all over the world can ea...
[KDI] 2022 열린혁신정책플랫폼 영워킹그룹 사업 안내
KDI 정책플랫폼팀에서는 기획재정부와 함께 현장 전문가 중심의 개방/참여형 논의의 장을 구축하여 정책 수요자 중심의 정책을 도축하는 '열린혁신정책플랫폼' 사업을 운영하고 있습니다.'영워킹그룹(Young Working Group)’은 ‘열린혁신정책플랫폼’ 사업의 일환으로,'대학생이 스스로 문제 인식부터 문제해결을 위...
Special Lecture: 무역 실무 교육 “The Global Busin...
We are thrilled to announce a special lecture on the 26th of January presented by Park Sang-Gi, President of BNE Consulting Co.This lecture teaches the basics of effective managerial communication andleadership, focusing on personal awareness and growth, working relationships,influence skills and co...
Platinum Lecture: Brand "Myself"
We are thrilled to announce a very well-designed platinum lecture on the 25th of January presented by Kwon Oh-Jung. Learn about the “Self Branding'' approach and apply it to yourself through this 3 hours of special lecture designed for your future career & life success!The program overview...
Apple Developer Academy (IT Program)
글로벌 IT기업 애플(Apple)의 IT교육기관인 Apple Developer Academy의 지원자를 찾습니다.이 아카데미는 애플의 모바일 운영체제 'IOS'의 생태계에서 기업가, 개발자, 디자이너를 꿈꾸는 사람들의 일자리를 창출하고자 설립된 곳이며, 현재 포스텍과 협업하여 9개월과정의 프로그램이 무료로 제공되는 R&D 지원...
2021 SolBridge Job Fair
When?November 19 (Friday), 2021. 11:00- 17:00. For Who?Every SolBridgers!! (If you have graduated already, It is also fine!) -You can enjoy it with 4 key programs 1) Keynote speaker'sspecial lectures 2) Recruitmentbriefing and information sharing by u...
The Journey of Asia’s Top 10% Leaders - Special L...
Mr. Samuel Hwang, the CEO of Theragenbio, Korea, delivered an inspiring lecture to SolBridge students on January 25, 2021, entitled "The Journey of Asia's top 10% leaders. Theragenbio is one of Korea's fastest-growing start-up company leading precision medicine highlighted as the new para...
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