
With over 300 partner universities in 68+ countries, SolBridge students have the opportunity to study abroad under our student exchange and dual degree programs. Students must fulfil the criteria set by both SolBridge and the host university in order to make their outbound experience as memorable and enjoyable as possible.



Exchange student requirements

Exchange Program >

BBA Dual Degree

BBA Dual Degree Programs

BBA Dual Degree requirements

BBA Dual Degree Program >

Graduate Dual Degree

Graduate Dual Degree

Graduate Dual Degree requirements

Graduate Dual Degree Program >

Study Abroad Experiences

SolBridge actively promotes student exchange with our esteemed partner universities and
helps students to further expand their educational experience and better adapt rapidly to a fast-paced world.


Studying abroad gave me a chance to go out of my comfort zone. I am challenged daily to be open-minded and accept differences in people from different countries. This experience has enriched my personal development in a way that would never have been possible if I had stayed in my home country.

Aleksandra Chen
BBA Student
Exchange Semester, Thomas More University, Belgium


Studying at Bentley University and living in Boston has boosted my confidence as well as helped me to become more independent. I believe we have different ways of making our study abroad experience memorable. I want to encourage all students to challenge themselves and utilize the various study abroad opportunities that SolBridge provides.

Yovung Jayakusuma
BBA Student
Exchange Semester, Bentley University, USA


This exchange program was a life-changing event for both of us as we learned about Europe a lot, discovered new places to visit, learned new courses in a totally new set of environment and most importantly grew up as individuals and became more independent and open-minded.

Sadia Farha
MBA Student
Exchange Semester, HEC Liege, Belgium

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