The tuition fee as well as other costs such as residence, breakfast, activity and medical fees are reviewed every semester and are subject to change. The estimated costs for one year are included below so you can do a general budget for your first year at SolBridge.

The SolBridge academic year consists of two assessment periods, one in the spring and one in the fall. Each assessment period is in the form of a fifteen-weeks regular semester plus one-week make-up classes, if necessary, followed by an additional six-week inter-session semester (six weeks in the summer for the spring semester, six weeks in the winter for the fall semester). There is a five-week study break which separates each assessment period. Students are expected to stay at SolBridge during each full assessment period. Students may stay during the summer or winter five-week study breaks if they wish to participate in internships, academic programs, or for personal reasons. Apart from tuition, students must cater for other expenses including the dormitory, meals, health insurance, and dormitory security deposit without exception during their stay at SolBridge.

Program Cost schedule

The BBA program is designed around the completion of eight assessment periods to earn a Bachelor’s Degree. In the table below, a typical full year with 2 assessment periods of costs is presented.
Students who follow the eight assessment period schedule will graduate in four years.

A typical Full-year BBA Program Cost schedule for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025

Fall 2024 Winter 2024 Spring 2025 Summer 2025 Annual
16 weeks 6 weeks
Winter 1: 3 weeks
Winter 2: 3 weeks
16 weeks 6 weeks
Summer 1: 3 weeks
Summer 2: 3 weeks
Costs USD
Enrollment Fee
(Onetime fee)
$650       $650
Orientation Fee
(Onetime fee)
$158 $158
Medical Insurance
$62 $62
Tuition $5,037 $890 $5,037 $890 $11,854
Residence $728 $364 $728 $364 $2,184
Meal $448 $448 $896
Activity Fee $100 $100 $200
Total First Year $7,183 $1,254 $6,313 $1,254 $16,004
Total Second Year $6,375 $1,254 $6,313 $1,254 $15,196

Things to note:

* The enrollment and orientation fees are a one-time fee paid by all first semester students (freshmen and transfer). Orientation fee covers meals and accommodation during our Team Building (Orientation) week but does not include the bus fare from the airport.

The dormitory does not provide bedding, sheets, or pillows; however, they can be acquired for a fee upon arrival, in most cases.

All students must get a Residence Card upon arrival in Korea. Korean Immigration charges $31 for the Residence Card. It is similar to the Korean ID card and must be carried with you at all times.

Tuition for a year ranges currently between $10,074 ~ $11,854. The $11, 854 amount reflects taking intersession classes (Winter 1, Winter 2, Summer 1, Summer 2).

The above prices are meant to act as a guideline and are subject to change, especially adjustments to Residence and Health Care.

The costs provided do not include other meals, books, or pocket money. Meals cost approximately $5.00 in the SolBridge cafeterias. Meals eaten off-campus may cost more. Books are typically in the range of $600 per year; pocket money expenses depend on the lifestyle of the student.

Please keep in mind that all prices are subject to change without notice and are not guaranteed.

Orientation week fee refunds are only issued if the student is no longer attending SolBridge International School of Business. However, this is subject to change, as it depends on the student’s individual case.

According to the school’s policy, other fees might be added during the semester.

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