The total tuition fee for the MSc in Data Analytics is $ 34,166. This tuition and other costs including residence, activity and medical fee are subject to change on a semester basis. For further cost inquiries, please send an email to

he SolBridge MSFT program consists of two assessment periods, one in the spring and one in the fall. Each assessment period is in the form of a 5-week semester followed by an additional 3-week inter-session semester (3 weeks in the summer and 3 weeks in the winter). Apart from tuition, students must cater for other expenses including meals, health insurance, transport, and any other personal expenses.

Full MSDA Program Cost schedule

2022 2023 Total Estimate Cost
Spring Summer Fall Winter Spring Summer Fall
Credits 9 3 9 3 9 3 9 45
Tuition $6,212 $3,106 $6,212 $3,106 $6,212 $3,106 $6,212 $34,166
Enrollment Fee
(onetime fee)
$700 $700
Orientation Week Fee
(onetime fee)
$138 $138
Medical Insurance
$45.00 $45.00 $90.00
Activity Fee $100 $100 $100 $100 $400
Residence $728.00 $273 $728.00 $273 $728.00 $273 $728.00 $3,731.00
Dormitory Breakfast $358.00 $358.00 $358.00 $358.00 $1,432.00

Things to note:

The enrollment and Orientation fees are a one-time fee paid by all first-semester students (freshmen and transfer). Orientation fees cover meals and accommodation during our Team Building (Orientation) week and do not include bus fare from the airport.

Residence halls do not provide bedding, sheets, or pillows.

All first-year students (freshman and transfer) must get an Alien Registration Card upon arrival in Korea. Korean Immigration charges $31 for the Alien Registration Card. It is similar to the Korean ID card and must be carried with you at all times.

All first semester students (including Koreans) must have a medical checkup before the start of classes. Korean Medical Services charge $30 for the checkup. All full-time students must purchase Korean medical insurance. The current cost is $45 annually.

The above prices are meant to act as a guideline and are subject to change, especially adjustments to Residence and Health Care.

The costs provided do not include other meals, books, or pocket money. Meals cost approximately $4.00 in the SolBridge cafeterias. Meals eaten off-campus may cost more. Books are typically in the range of $600 per year; pocket money expenses depend on the lifestyle of the student.

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