Nurturing the Next generation of Global Business Leaders

Bachelor of Business Administration

Who Should Apply?

  • High school graduates with a strong desire for business.

  • Highly motivated students who can bring their own diversity and experiences to the classroom.

  • Students interested in acquiring a business dual-degree in South Korea and at any of our partner university in a different country.

Application Requirements


The following documents and information are required to apply for the Bachelor of Business Administration;

  • Completed online application form
  • Proof of English proficiency, such as the IELTS or TOEFL iBT, CEFR, TEPS or equivalent.
  • Copy of passport (photo page)
  • Copy of both parents’ passports; if unavailable, copy of national identification cards are required (photo page)
  • Copy of birth certificate or family certificate
  • Proof of finances – a bank statement that confirms the possession of USD 16,000 in your bank account
  • Proof of high school diploma
  • Copy of school transcript
  • One letter of recommendation
  • Application fee of USD 50

Requirements After Acceptance


Students that have received admission and paid the tuition fee to SolBridge International School of Business need to prepare and mail hard copies of the following documents to the address below;

  • Bank letter/statement confirming possession of USD 16,000 in the student’s name. The statement should not be older than a month from the date it is received by our office. It should also be stamped or signed by the bank (If the bank statement is not under your name, the proof of relationship is required)
  • High school diploma– A certified or notarized copy in English or Korean (Either provided by an apostille or Confirmation of a Korean Consul)

* Please note that you will need another copy of the above documents for visa purposes

* More detail information will be provided by email

Hard Copy Mailing Address

Att: Admissions Officer
Office of International Admissions #320, Woosong University
Woosong Gwan (W7)
171 Dongdaejeon-ro, Dong-gu Daejeon, South Korea 34606

Phone number: 042-630-4763

The Admission Process

  • Step 1

    Online Application, Document Submission
  • Step 5

    Proceed with payment via bank transfer
  • Step 2

    Pay Application Fee
  • Step 6

    Mail Hard Copies of your bank statement and certified diploma to SolBridge
  • Step 3

    Interview with Admissions Team
  • Step 7

    After confirmation of payment and receipt of hard copies, Admission department will send Visa application documents to the applicant
  • Step 4

    Accepted candidates receive acceptance letter and invoice
  • Step 8

    Upon receiving visa documents, proceed with visa application from your home country
  • Step 1

    Online Application, Document Submission
  • Step 2

    Pay Application Fee
  • Step 3

    Interview with Admissions Team
  • Step 4

    Accepted candidates receive acceptance letter and invoice
  • Step 5

    Proceed with payment via bank transfer
  • Step 6

    Mail Hard Copies of your bank statement and certified diploma to SolBridge
  • Step 7

    After confirmation of payment and receipt of hard copies, Admission department will send Visa application documents to the applicant
  • Step 8

    Upon receiving visa documents, proceed with visa application from your home country

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