Special Program

Legal: Fingerprinting Day

Category : | Writer : SolBridge | Date : 2015.11.17 | Hit : 13,433

Dear International Students:
If you were admitted to SolBridge in the fall 2015 and received your alien registration card a few weeks ago, please be aware that the second step to validate your legal status in Korea is to have your fingerprinting done in person at the immigration office on Friday, November 20, 2015.
Mr. Charlie Kim will be available all day on Friday next week to help you with the process. The school will provide a shuttle bus at designated times to take you to and from SolBridge and the immigration office. Official excuses will not be given for any missing classes this day, so please make sure to do the fingerprinting when you have some free time.
Friday, November 20, 2015, will be the only day to do the fingerprinting through SolBridge. If you miss doing the fingerprinting this date, you will be responsible to go to the immigration office by yourself and do the fingerprinting by no later than Friday, November 27, 2015.
Failure to do your fingerprinting will result in a penalty fee by the Korean Ministry of Justice.
Required: Please bring along your (original) alien registration card.
Shuttle Bus Schedule
Friday, November 20, 205


Departing from SolBridge

Departing from the Immigration Office


9:20 AM

10 AM


10:20 AM

11 AM


11:20 AM



2:20 PM

3 PM


3:20 PM

4 PM


4:20 PM

5 PM


All freshmen who came to SolBridge in August 2015 must do the fingerprinting. The process is free-of-charge.
Thank you for your cooperation. Have a great day!



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