SolBridge News

SolBridge team awarded third place in the Babson Collaborative 2021 Global Student Challenge

Category : [2021]| Writer : SolBridge | Date : 2021.06.08 | Hit : 45,894

SolBridge students Giang Vu Ha, Le Phat Dat, and Nguyen Dinh Long won third place in this year’s Babson Collaborative Global Student Challenge.  

The Challenge exposed participating teams from Babson Collaborative member schools to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and challenged them to think of these goals in the context of business opportunities. Joining students were encouraged to apply their knowledge of opportunity identification and assessment, resulting in feasibility analysis of a new business concept. Each business concept addressed one of the UN goals in a way that could ultimately result in the creation of a new for-profit or nonprofit venture.

SolBridge team’s business idea, ‘Grash’ a digital match-making platform connecting households with scrap collectors, came in third against other strong competing teams. Their idea presented a unique solution to eliminate unconventional scrap collection practices and a business model that successfully aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

This year the competition attracted over 870 students with 215 projects from 22 schools in 16 different countries.

Congratulations to the team and Prof. Edwin Sanusi for his guidance.


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