SolBridge News

SolBridge to host its 7th International Business Plan Competition 2019

Category : [2019]| Writer : SolBridge | Date : 2019.10.21 | Hit : 60,627



SolBridge will be hosting its 7th International Business Plan Competition (IBPC) from 27th October to 2nd November 2019.


Participants will solve a real business problem for Samsung Rewards Program handling areas of acquiring new target markets, retaining existing customers and corporate social responsibility. A representative from Samsung global expansion initiative will officially deliver the case to the participating teams and share more insights about prevailing market trends. Qualifying teams from the preliminary rounds will make final presentations in front of a panel of judges comprising of SolBridge professors and industry representatives to identify the winners.


IBPC is growing gradually each year with additional teams and countries represented, and more challenging business cases handled. This year a total of 24 (19 overseas) teams representing 33 nationalities will join this competition. Participants will test their problem-solving ability, business and cultural insights and communication skills. It is also an opportunity for them to network with and learn from their peers from different cultural and educational backgrounds.


The list of participating universities in this competition includes;

·         Bangkok University, Thailand

·         Budapest Business School, Hungary

·         CTBC Business School, Taiwan

·         EDEM, Spain

·         Estonian Business School, Estonia

·         FH Wien WKW University of Applied Sciences, Austria

·         Federal University of Juiz De Fora, Brazil

·         Federal University of Technology – Parana, Brazil

·         Foreign Trade University, Vietnam

·         International Business Academy, Denmark

·         Lahti University of Applied Sciences, Finland

·         Laurentian University, Canada

·         Macquarie University, Australia

·         Miriam College, Philippines

·         Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

·         Palacky University, Czech Republic

·         Paragon International University, Cambodia

·         Rotterdam Business School, The Netherlands

·         SolBridge International School of Business, South Korea

·         Thomas More University College, Belgium

·         University of Finance and Economics, Mongolia

·         University of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia


From 21st October 2019, we will be introducing participating teams on SolBridge social media channels.



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