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Samsung Electronics presents business cases to SolBridge students

Category : [2018]| Writer : SolBridge | Date : 2018.09.18 | Hit : 60,882


Last week, Ms. Hana Kim, a representative from Samsung Electronics visited SolBridge to present their business cases to SolBridge students in the BUS371 Business Consulting Practice class, taught by Prof. Byungik Jung.

The purpose of these cases is for students to acquire real business consulting experience by solving the client’s issues and their project needs. Through these cases, students get to practice the fundamental methodologies and frameworks that they have acquired in other business courses mainly through Business Consulting skills. Besides, these cases help students develop a logical approach and creative ability to increase their "Creative Management Mind", one of the five mission-based goals of SolBridge.

Ms. Kim presented two real cases at Samsung Electronics for possible solutions including:

1   Marketing Strategy for Ambient Mode

2   New Screen Opportunity for Millennials


During the semester, students will work in teams and develop solutions to the presented problems above in consultation with Prof. Byungik Jung and client. At the end of the semester, students will present their findings to the top management of the different companies.


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