SolBridge News

Platinum Lecture XXXXI: Economic Partnership’s Key Role in the U.S. – Republic of Korea Alliance

Category : [2017]| Writer : Jeffrey Miller | Date : 2017.05.22 | Hit : 60,546



SolBridgers got a rare peek into United States-South Korean relations when the Chargé d'Affaires for the US Embassy Seoul, Mr. Marc Knapper spoke to students and faculty members during SolBridge’s forty-first Platinum lecture.

“This is a first for me,” Mr. Knapper said, joking to the audience. “I’ve won bronze events but never a platinum one.”

Unlike most lectures, Mr.Knapper briefly explained the current status of US-ROK relations and then turned the rest of the lecture into a Q&A session. It was a lively exchange between Mr. Knapper and students who asked him a variety of questions from tensions on the Korean peninsula to the fifth year anniversary of the KORUS Free Trade Agreement.

He also took time out to praise SolBridge students for all their hard work.

“Studying here takes a lot of passion and courage,” he said. “I think it’s a good thing to get out of your comfort zone and do what you’re doing here.”

And finally, Knapper offered some advice to our students.

“You have so many opportunities to access the world,” he said. “Don’t be in such a hurry to decide what you want to do with your life. Take your time and look at all your options.”



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