SolBridge News

Spring 2014 Convocation

Category : [2014]| Writer : 관리자 | Date : 2014.03.20 | Hit : 74,633

The dictionary defines convocation as a large formal assembly which has been called together for a specific purpose; the origins of the word convocation come from the late 14th century, from the Latin word convocationem, from convocare “to call together,” from com- “together” plus vocare “to call,” from vox “voice.”

While the origins of the word would make any etymologist smile with pleasure, at SolBridge, the word has a more auspicious meaning which is the beginning or the continuation of one’s academic journey. And on Monday, March 3, the Spring 2014 semester officially got underway with the Welcome Convocation in the 4th floor auditorium.

Presiding over this most prestigious event was Dr. John Endicott, President and Vice Chancellor of SolBridge and Woosong University. In his opening remarks, he welcomed back students and reminded everyone to work hard and to make the most out of their time at SolBridge. He also talked about the upcoming AACSB visit, a landmark event for SolBridge and how students can play a key role in the selection process if approached by the visiting team and questioned about their experience at SolBridge. Likewise, Chairman Sung-kyung Kim emphasized the need for our international students to study Korean hard and to learn much about Korean culture while they are at SolBridge.

During the hour-long ceremony, scholarships were awarded to eight students (BBA and MBA) and a special award was given to one of the peer group leaders responsible for his team’s immersion/team building success during orientation week. Students from one of the team building groups presented their captivating presentation which highlighted how they overcame the many challenges of orientation week.

Now that the spring semester has officially gotten underway, students will soon be hitting the books and participating in a wide range of events from the upcoming Clubs Expo to the SolBridge sports day—promoting sound minds and sound bodies. And through it all, students will be reminded time and time again of the five pillars which make up GACCS as they strive through dedicated and passionate instruction and study to become the next generation of Asian thought leaders.

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