SolBridge News

Spring 2013 Clubs Expo

Category : [2013]| Writer : 관리자 | Date : 2013.03.16 | Hit : 91,075

Recently, around four o’clock on a Thursday afternoon, there was a beehive of activity inside the third floor gymnasium as students gathered and mill around outside the locked doors. Although everyone knew about the scheduled event—had received email from Student Services earlier in the week, saw the notices in the elevator and the updates on Facebook—most students were surprised that they couldn’t go inside.

“What’s going on?” one student asked.

“Why is the door locked?” asked another.

“Can we go in?” asked a student, peering through the door to get a glimpse of the activity.

“Not yet,” replied the first.

“Are you sure it’s today?” asked a late arrival.

The students did not have to wait much longer and soon the Spring 2013 Clubs Expo was underway.

It’s not all about studying and preparing to become the next generation of Asian thought leaders at SolBridge. It’s also about finding the time to pursue one’s interests or to find a new one to enrich one’s mind and body.

That’s why the clubs and other extra-curricular activities at SolBridge are an integral part of the school’s infrastructure to ensure our students well rounded experience. And what makes these clubs and activities all the more special is that the students come up with their ideas for them and then promote them to sign up members. The only thing holding students back is their creativity; however, at SolBridge where creativity and innovation are part of the school’s mission, students have come up with some very ingenious ideas for clubs—many which are offered semester after semester.

To be sure, some clubs themselves have become the pillars of SolBridge’s extracurricular activities which have gone beyond weekly meetings or get togethers to promote the school nationally and even internationally such as the SolBridge Debating Society and SolMun (SolBridge’s Model UN). Other clubs are perennial favorites among students and sports enthusiasts such as the Bowl Bridge Club and the FC SolBridge Club (football). Then there are the highly spirited and dynamic clubs such as the Sol-Cheers Club (cheerleading) and the Salsa Dance Club whose performances have entertained countless students and visitors to SolBridge.

There are all kinds of clubs focusing on all kinds of activities from an English Society Club and Toastmaster Club (both very important for fine tuning one’s communication skills) to Sol Photo and Sol-Delicious (cooking).

Whether you are currently a student at SolBridge or planning to come here in the future, there is definitely something for everyone. Don’t worry if there isn’t one you like, though. You can always make your own.

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