SolBridge News

Visit from Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University (SPSPU)

Category : [2012]| Writer : 관리자 | Date : 2012.12.05 | Hit : 108,988

Dr. Daria Kozlova, Deputy Dean of International Relations, from Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University (SPSPU) visited SolBridge International School of Business to discuss the possibility of creating a new partnership between SolBridge and SPSPU. Vice President Hwang, Mr. Stephen Jacques, Deputy Director of Admissions and Strategy, and Ms. Oksana Hegay, Regional Manager, met with Dr. Kozlova to talk about how SolBridge and Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University might best help each other’s students through exchange and joint programs.

Located in the historical city of Saint Petersburg, SPSPU is a state university with 22 faculties and 150 departments offering 33 bachelor degree programs, 188 master degree programs and 90 scientific majors for Phd and DSc for over 30, 000 students which includes 2,942 foreign students. Following the example of Peter the Great, SPSPU’s founders sent specialists to Europe to study the university system and report back to Russia which resulted in the creation of a polytechnic town designed on the model of Oxford and Cambridge. The university has enjoyed a long and interesting history since it was established in 1899 and is credited with several accomplishments such as building the first diesel submarine in 1908, discovery chemical elements 102 and 104 in 1967 and winning the 2007 Innovative University Competition organized by the Education Priority National Project . The university has 289 agreements with foreign universities and firm partnerships with more than 120 research institutions and industrial companies making this a very good opportunity for foreign students to study at SPSPU.

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