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SolBridge News
SolBridge hosts the Dean of Corvinus Business Scho...
On Monday 29 April, Prof. Dr. Zita Zoltay Paprika, Dean of Corvinus Business School, Hungary, and Dr Richard Szanto, Assistant Dean, visited SolBridge International School of Business. Their full-day visit was a tremendous opportunity to officially launch cooperation between the two institutions aft...
Swiss students from FH Northwestern University vis...
FromApril 1st to April 11th, 2019, SolBridge International School of Businesshosted a group of 25 students from FHNW School of Business, FH NorthwesternUniversity of Applied Sciences and Arts, for a 10-day Korean study tour. Whilepursuing a Master of Science in International Management back ho...
Spring 2019 SolBridge Debate Championship
SolBridge Debate Championship is an in-house debatetournament organized every semester by SolBridge Debate Society to welcome newmembers. On Saturday 13th April 2019, the Spring 2019 SolBridge DebateChampionship was held in an Asian Parliamentary format, gathering as many as 48new participants...
SolBridge signs Academic Cooperation with Corvinus...
[ “Main building” by Szilveszter Farkas CC BY-SA 2.0]SolBridge International School of Business signedcooperation agreements with Corvinus Business School in Budapest,Hungary.Corvinus Business School (CBS) is the businessmanagement department of Corvinus University of B...
SolBridge hosts French Ambassador to South Korea, ...
On Friday 29 March2019, SolBridge International School of Business had the great honor to hostfor a Platinum Lecture His Excellency, Mr Fabien Penone, Ambassador of Francein South Korea. Ambassador Penone's lecture addressed the long diplomatic tiesbuilt between France and the Republic of Kore...
Call for Applications; Fall 2019 Intake
SolBridge InternationalSchool of Business is now accepting applications for Fall 2019 intake. Applynow and join our diverse community from over 55 countries. SolBridge has arolling admission period, and applications are evaluated on a case-by-case basistaking into account the applicant’s acad...
SolBridge signs cooperation agreement with Univers...
SolBridge International School of Business isdelighted to sign cooperation agreements with University College Leuven-Limburg(UCLL) as part of its internationalisation strategy towards Europe. Suchcooperation enables SolBridge to establish stronger academic ties with Belgianhigher education ins...
SolBridge and CIMB Niaga Bank Signed Recruitment A...
SolBridge is proud to announce thesigning of a corporate agreement with CIMB Niaga Bank, one of the mostprominent financial institutions in IndonesiaCIMBNiaga Bank is part of CIMB group, headquartered in Kuala Lumpur – Malaysia,with core markets in banking and investments in Indonesia, Malaysi...
SolBridge Debate Society wins Pan Pacific Debate C...
SolBridge DebateSociety has been crowned Champions at the Pan Pacific Debating Championship2019, held on February 2019 at Honolulu, Hawaii. Pan Pacific DebatingChampionships is an international tournament hosted annually by Hawaii PacificUniversity, featuring universities throughout the "...
SolBridge and Macquarie University, Australia Team...
SolBridge is proud to announce anew dual degree collaboration with Macquarie University, Australia on the BBAlevel. Effective in 2019, SolBridge BBA students can continue their third andfourth year at Macquarie University and receive degrees from both institutions;making SolBridge the only bus...
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