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SolBridge News
SolBridge Partners with Widya Mandala Catholic Uni...
Entering 2019, SolBridge is expanding its partnership to oneof the most respected universities in Indonesia, Widya Mandala CatholicUniversity. Starting in 2019, SolBridge partners with Widya MandalaCatholic University in launching a one-of-its-kind bachelor joint degreeprogram in th...
President Endicott’s Message to the Class of 2018...
Chairman Kim, Dean Rose, special guests from WoosongUniversity, distinguished faculty, graduates, families, and friends. It'sindeed an honor to welcome all of you to another SolBridge Graduation. Todaywe're graduating 72 of our students; 49 with BBAs, 23 with MBAs. They come from14 different c...
Dean Rose's Message to the Class of 2018; SolBridg...
Congratulations!What a fantastic achievement! I know for some of you, you still have somecourses to finish, and it seems a little bit unfinished yet. However, thisceremony represents the achievement of your dreams. Chairman Kim, PresidentEndicott, colleagues from Woosong and SolBridge and our ...
Wade Chilcoat: MBA Valedictorian Class of 2018
I know some of you right now are saying, “Wait, THAT guy is a student? Ithought that was Dr. Endicott!” Well yes, I am a student here, and it is a great honour to be able tospeak in front of you all today. On behalf of the graduating class, I wouldfirst like to give warm thanks to all o...
BBA Valedictorian Speech Class of 2018 by Gleb Gad...
I want toexpress my sincere appreciation to all SolBridge faculty members,administration, friends and fellow graduates. Today is a day to be thankful andto be inspired.Here atSolBridge, we have received excellent education thanks to our fineadministration and professors. We are prepared to mov...
New Academic Partnership with Gustavson School of ...
Inan effort to offer an increasingly diverse set of study abroad opportunitiesand destinations, SolBridge International School of Business is pleased to signa 2+2 dual degree agreement with Gustavson School of Business, University ofVictoria, Canada. Established in 1990, Gustavson School of Bu...
SolBridge Initiates Cooperation with KEDGE Busines...
SolBridge is happy toannounce the signing of partnership agreements with KEDGE Business School,France. Students from both sides will be able to experience campus life inFrance and Korea at the partner institution. KEDGE Business Schoolis a leading business school in...
2018 SolBridge Business Plan Competition
On the 14th November2018, SolBridge Entrepreneurship Center hosted its second Startup Business PlanCompetition. Five teams were selected out of a pool of applications to presenttheir startup ideas to a panel of judges, professors and students. The judgesconsisted of representatives from famous...
SolBridge Alumni Homecoming and Luncheon
On 17th November 2018, SolBridge was delighted to hostover 20 Alumni to a Luncheon at SolBridge. The main purpose of this event wasfor them to interact with current SolBridge students over a meal to share someadvice and share their experience with graduating students about life afterSolBridge ...
SolBridge Wins its Second National Debate Champion...
SolBridge Debate Society (SDS) won the 2018Fall KIDA National Championships (KNC) held from 16th - 18th November 2018. The23rd KNC (the oldest and most prestigious debating championship in Korea) washosted by Ewha Womans University and was attended by 120 debaters representingthe top universit...
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