Special Lecture

Platinum Lecture XXXXIII: Succeeding in Life and Business as a Global Nomad

Platinum Lecture XXXXIII: Succeeding in Life and B...

 SolBridge’s Platinum Lecture Series kicked off the Fall 2017Semester with an inspiring lecture by Mr. Iain Jamieson, the Korea and Mongoliacountry manager for Visa.Jamieson, who’s been with Visa for over twenty-two years,shared his life story about how he came to end up in Korea as well as a...

| 2017.09.18
Platinum Lecture XXXXII

Platinum Lecture XXXXII

 Honorable Na, Kyung-Won, Member of the 20th National Assembly, Seoul South Korea will give a special lecture entitled "Together we Can" tomorrow, 25th May 2017 from 11:00 am in the 4th floor, Auditorium.

| 2017.05.24
Special Lecture: Current Investment Environment and Korean Investment in Vietnam

Special Lecture: Current Investment Environment an...

 Dr. Nguyen Hai Ninh is the Director for International Development, Foreign Trade University (Vietnam) and a Lecturer in the Economic and International Business Department. He also has over 10 years’ experience in the telecommunication field and various research and publications in Mobile Mark...

| 2017.05.16
Special Lecture

Special Lecture

 Special Lecture on Success, Successful Career and Successful Investment by Mr. Woong Park, CEO of Eastspring Asset Management Korea. Eastspring Asset ManagementKorea Co. Ltd  established in 2001 is aprivately owned investment manager. It invests in public equity and fixedincome ...

| 2017.05.12
Platinum Lecture XXXXI

Platinum Lecture XXXXI

   Mr. Marc Knapper, the Chargé d’Affaires at the U.S. Embassyin Seoul. He is a member of the Senior Foreign Services of the U.S. Departmentof State and has held different positions in Asia including India, Japan, andVietnam among others. Mr. Knapper has the broad knowledge of South ...

| 2017.05.12
Special Lecture: Inventive Negotiation

Special Lecture: Inventive Negotiation

  Special Lecture on Inventive Negotiation by Dr. John L Graham, Faculty Director of the Center for Global Leadership and Director of International Programs at the University of California, Irvine, Paul Merage Business School. Dr. Graham’s area of expertise include; global marketing, inte...

| 2017.03.28
Platinum Lecture XXXIX

Platinum Lecture XXXIX

  Dr. William Gartner has held faculty positions at different universities, published his research in several journals and authored the book "Entrepreneurship as Organizing".

| 2017.03.17
Special Lecture

Special Lecture

 Special LectureWelcome Mayor Lokot!Wednesday, November 30, 20161:30-2:30 PM / 4th Floor Auditorium 

| 2016.11.30
Special Lecture

Special Lecture

 Special LectureThe 4th Industrial RevolutionBy Prof. Nam-Hee ChoiThursday, December 1, 20166-8 PM / 4th Floor Auditorium

| 2016.11.28
Platinum Lecture XXXVIII

Platinum Lecture XXXVIII

 Platinum Lecture XXXVIIIInventing the FutureBy Ms. Myung-Sook KwonPresident of Intel KoreaVice President of the Sales and Marketing Group of Intel Corporation Wednesday, November 16, 201611 AM / 4th Floor Auditorium  

| 2016.11.10

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