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𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐫. 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐄𝐝𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐭𝐭
John Edgar Endicott, Ph.D. August 9, 1936 - June 22, 2024The Woosong family is saddened by the passing of Dr. John E. Endicott – a pillar of the SolBridge and Woosong Community. In 2007, he joined Woosong University to serve as the President of the university. He established SolBridge In...
Celebrating Milestones and Diversity: Graduation C...
Celebrating Milestones and Diversity: Graduation Ceremony Spring 2024On the 21st of June, SolBridge International School of Business hosted one of its most significant graduation ceremonies to date. A vibrant mix of 118 students from more than 21 countries came together to mark a milestone in ...
Woosong University Celebrates its Place in the Tim...
2024brings many reasons for Woosong University to celebrate. SolBridgeInternational School of Business, Woosong University’s prestigious businessschool, earned it’s AACSB re-accreditation in February, and full membership toboth the esteemed EFMD (The European Foundation of Management Develop...
Programs Schedule 2024
Dear SolBridgers, We are delighted to announce the Programs schedule for 2024 semester.Short-term and Long-term programs offer a unique opportunity to experience international education, competitions and workshops. The programs and its application process will be announced via e-mail so s...
SolBridge received the official re-accreditation a...
Congratulations, SolBridge!SolBridge International School of Business has once again been recognized for its innovative, world-class programs and its excellence in teaching, research, curricular development, co-curricular design, and student learning. SolBridge has successfully earned its seco...
[2023] SolBridge Hosts IISMA Indonesian Government...
This Fall 2023 semester, SolBridge International School of Business is honored to be chosen for the second time as a host institution for six Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards Vocational Edition (IISMA) program awardees.IISMA program is the Government of the Republic...
SolBridge Students win the Most Innovative Scaling...
We are thrilledto announce that a group of SolBridge students, composed of Gonzales PamelaWinda(Master), Matteo Zanini (BBA), Ngoc Nguyen (BBA), and ZhyldyzaiMuratbekova(BBA), has won a cash prize for the most Innovative Scaling Idea atthe 2023 Global Scaling Challenge (GSC). Organized by the ...
SolBridge Debate Society Claims World Novice EFL C...
SolBridgeDebate Society (SDS) has once again shown their excellence by winning the WorldNovice Debating Championship (WNDC) in the EFL (English as a Foreign Language)category. SDS A, represented by Aikokul Abdivalieva, Nguyen Quoc Trung Duc, andZhyldyzai Muratbekova, emerged as the tournament ...
SolBridge participates in NIBS Worldwide Case Comp...
From5th-10th march, four BBA students had the opportunity to represent SolBridgeand participate in the 27th Network of International Business Schools (NIBS)global case competition hosted by the University of Northern Iowa – College ofBusiness, USA.NIBSis an association of business schools worl...
Dean Park’s Remarks to SolBridge Graduating Class...
“I’d like tothank Founder Kim, Chairman Lee, President Oh, high officials, faculty members,distinguished guests, and our students and parents for this opportunity toaddress our graduating class of Fall 2022. Graduating class of Fall, 2022: youhave my heartfelt congratulations and blessings o...
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