SolBridge News

A Review of the International Business Case Competition 2016

Category : [2016]| Writer : SolBridge | Date : 2016.11.03 | Hit : 69,423


The International Business Case Competition was one of the highlights of the fall semester 2016. As always, SolBridge welcomed teams from all over the world; however, this time around, we saw a greater European and African presence with the participation of students from Austria, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovakia, as well as Morocco, South Africa, and Uganda.


Each team had only 2 days to analyze the case and come up with insightful, creative, and smart solutions. Their presentations were rigorously judged by a panel of judges, and results were give out on Thursday, October 27, 2016. First prize winners became: Corien Frederique Bijl (Netherlands), Marie-Lotte Oostdam (Netherlands), Katrien Andries (Belgium), and Charissa Angganita Esther Leiwakabessy (Netherlands). Second prize went to: Thijs De Smedt (Belgium), Laurens Raveel (Belgium), Vincent Van Reeth (Belgium), and Maxim Van der Schueren (Belgium). Third prize was for: Madiyar Khossediyas (Kazakhstan), Viktoriya Pak (Uzbekistan), So-Yeong Kang (South Korea), and Billy Priyanto (Indonesia).


During the six-day event, students also toured an LG factory in Pyeongtaek, an hour north of Daejeon, and visited historical landmarks in Seoul such as Gyeongbok Palace and a traditional market in Insa-dong.


We would like to extend our thanks and congratulations to all the participants and look forward to seeing your schools and countries represented again in the future. Well done, everyone!


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