SolBridge News

SolBridge Hosts an Alumni Meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia

Category : [2014]| Writer : 관리자 | Date : 2014.01.13 | Hit : 66,055

SolBridge International School of Business, Daejeon, South Korea hosted an alumni meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia on 10 December 2013. This meeting was attended by Dr. John E. Endicott, the Vice Chancellor of SolBridge International School of Business, Mr. Ony Jamhari, the Regional Manager of International Relations as well as SolBridge alumni.

Currently, SolBridge has four alumni from Indonesia. All of them have completed the Master of Business Administration (MBA) Program and worked in different multinational companies in Jakarta, Indonesia.

According to the alumni, the education they received from SolBridge was really good. They were really happy with the international atmosphere at SolBridge. It helped them to adjust easily with the international environment in their workplace. Overall, they are really satisfied with the SolBridge education program.

During the meeting, Dr. Endicott stressed that it is important for all alumni to stay in touch with school and other alumni worldwide. It will expand their network and strengthen collaboration among them. In the future, they can have an alumni meeting for ASEAN member country students.

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