
Petite France

Category : [Student Council Excursions 2016]| Writer : SolBridge | Date : 2016.04.19 | Hit : 45,988


Bonjour à tous! Hello, everyone! We were super excited to go to the Petite France Village on Saturday, April 9, 2016. About 110 SolBridgers (all packed in 3 buses!) joined the 3rd excursion organized by the Student Council. After being on the road for a total of 8 hours (4 going there and 4 coming back!), we came across a cluster of white, exotic buildings up on a hill nearby Nami Island. From its outward appearance, it looked like a village on the Mediterranean coast or in a pastoral area of the Piedmont Alps. Petite France was indeed a cute and small (really small!) French cultural village set in the Korean countryside.   


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