
Student Council Excursions - Seoul 2016

Category : [Student Council Excursions 2016]| Writer : SolBridge | Date : 2016.03.31 | Hit : 47,944


We went to Seoul and had an awesome time. The Student Council organized a trip to Dongdaemun on Saturday, March 26, 2016. Two buses packed with over 80 excited SolBridgers spent the day in one of the busiest cities in Korea. While some checked out the Dongdaemun Design Plaza (also known as DDP), others headed straight to Dongdaemun Market, just across the street, for traditional foods. The entire area was bustling with activity as many young people and a few celebrities were showing off their eccentric outfits for Seoul Fashion Week. Doota, one of the largest shopping malls around, was also a popular destination for those interested in the latest trends in Korean fashion. 


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