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SolBridge Hosts Virtual 2021 International Busines...
From November 29 – December 3, 2021, SolBridgeInternational School of Business hosted its 9th edition of the InternationalBusiness Plan Competition, where undergraduate students from 17 partneruniversities worked on solving an actual problem from HyundaiCorporation. The broad ...
SolBridge Hosts 2021 Job Fair
On November 19,2021, SolBridge Career Development Center hosted a job fair that welcomed over15 Korean and global recruiters. Representing different fields from Healthcare, consulting, Logistics to Human resources, the companies included; ROKITHealthcare, ADECCO, IRIS Korea, Daejeon Science In...
SolBridge UCLG Club visits Busan Convention Center
UCLG Club is a newly established SolBridge club with the aim of: Contributing to the globalization of Daejeon city by supporting local organizations and promoting Daejeon to member’s home countries.Creating an international environment that fosters deeper cultural understanding and coope...
Dean’s Welcome Remarks – Fall 2021 Semester
Welcome all SolBridgers! If you’re joining us for thefirst time this Fall, I hope you’ve enjoyed our hospitality, albeit in adigital form, throughout the week-long orientation and are looking forward toan exciting semester ahead! If you’re a returning student, welcome back! Many of you are f...
SolBridge holds an online Global Business Executiv...
From June 29thto July 2nd, 2021, SolBridge International School of Business,Woosong University, was pleased to host Executive MBA students from the UnitedStates International University – Africa (USIU) for a 4-day global business executivetraining and tour. The participants composed of two cohorts (...
SolBridge team places second in the Global Case Co...
SolBridge students Nguyen Cat Tien, Dao NganGiang, Le Hoang Giang, and Leilt Assefa Gebeyehu placed second in the firstannual Global Case Competition hosted by our partner Nazareth College, USA. Hosted virtually on May 21, 2021, the competition attracted teams fromvarious countries, incl...
SolBridge team awarded third place in the Babson C...
SolBridgestudents Giang Vu Ha, Le Phat Dat, and Nguyen Dinh Long won third place in thisyear’s Babson Collaborative Global Student Challenge. TheChallenge exposed participating teams from Babson Collaborative member schoolsto the UN Sustainable Development Goals and challenged them to think o...
Spring 2021 SolBridge Debate Championship
From May 12-15th, 2021, SolBridge Debate Society hosted theSpring 2021 Debate Championship, an in-house debate tournament to welcome newmembers. This championship was held in an Asian Parliamentary format, gatheringover 60 new participants. Experienced members served as adjudicators along withinvite...
SolBridge Debate Society win 2021 Korea National C...
SolBridge Debate Society(SDS) represented by Houymean Lim, Jamoliddin Ergash-Zoda, and Sally Lee, hasonce again been crowned Korea’s champions. Seoul National Universityhosted the Spring 2021 Korea National Championship (KNC) on May 19, 22-23. Thisis an incredibly competitive...
Call for Applications – Fall 2021 Intake
SolBridge International School of Businessis now accepting applications for Fall 2021 intake. Apply now and join our diversecommunity from over 60 countries. Applications are evaluated on a case-by-casebasis taking into account the applicant's academic records, Englishproficiency, financial st...
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