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SolBridge News
Embracing our Diversity at SolBridge: Culture Day ...
Lastweek, November 16, 2018, SolBridge came together to celebrate Culture Day oneof the most significant events at SolBridge. Organised by the student council,students from 55 nationalities showcased their culture through traditionalperformances, traditional clothing, and a food festival. It w...
2018 SolBridge Chinese Proficiency Competition
On November 15th, 2018 SolBridge hosted this year’sChinese Proficiency Competition an event jointly organised by SolBridge ChineseProfessors and the Confucius Institute of Woosong University. Unlike past events, students shared their perspectiveson the theme “China in my eyes” in the form o...
2018 Global Business English Competition at SolBri...
Every year during the fall semester, SolBridge's GeneralEducation team holds a Global Business English Competition where all BBAstudents (regular and transfer) can show their English speaking, reading, andwriting skills. The competition tests student's English ability invarious subjects ...
New Academic Partnership with EDEM School of Entre...
SolBridge is pleased to announce the signingof a student exchange agreement with EDEM School of Entrepreneurship,Spain. Located in Valencia on the SpanishMediterranean coast, EDEM School of Entrepreneurship was founded in 2002 withthe strong support of the Valencian Business Associa...
International Business Plan Competition 2018
From October 21st to 27th 2018, SolBridgeInternational School of Business hosted the 6th International Business PlanCompetition. 84 undergraduate students from our partner universities worldwideparticipated in this event. The competition gathered 21 teams (16 overseas) representing26 nationali...
SolBridge hosts delegation from Laurentian Univers...
On Thursday 25October, SolBridge had the great pleasure to host a delegation from LaurentianUniversity, Canada. Dr Bernadette Schell, Interim Dean at the Faculty ofManagement, and Mr Hugo Chen, International Business Program Manager, visitedSolBridge to build a mutually beneficial relationship...
SolBridge Debate Championships Fall 2018
Lastweek SolBridge Debate Society (SDS) hosted its bi-annual debate championship atSolBridge. The tournament attracted over 12 teams that participated in threepreliminary rounds four of which advanced to the grand finals. Thepurpose of these tournaments is to invite students to experienc...
SolBridge to host its 6th International Business P...
SolBridge will be hosting its 6th InternationalBusiness Plan Competition (IBPC) from 21st to 27th October2018. This annual event hosts undergraduate studentteams from our partner universities. This year 22 teams (17 overseas) from 23universities representing 26 different nationalitie...
New academic partnership in Canada
SolBridgeis pleased to announce the signing of a student exchange agreement with AsperSchool of Business, University of Manitoba, Canada. SolBridge students will beable to study at Asper School of Business starting from Fall 2019. Asper Schoolof Business is SolBridge’s third partner universit...
Samsung Electronics presents business cases to Sol...
Last week, Ms. Hana Kim, a representative fromSamsung Electronics visited SolBridge to present their business cases toSolBridge students in the BUS371 Business Consulting Practice class, taught byProf. Byungik Jung. The purpose of these cases is for students toacquire real business consulting ...
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