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SolBridge News
SolBridge Joins the Network of International Busin...
SolBridge is pleased to have recently joined theNetwork of International Business Schools (NIBS), an association committed tothe internationalization of academics and providing exchange platforms to sharebest practices. NIBS was established in 1996 and has a network of over70 business schools ...
SolBridge hosts United States International Univer...
Participants with President John E. EndicottIt has been four years since United StatesInternational University Africa Kenya (USIU) and Solbridge International Schoolof Business signed a memorandum of understanding to partner in the field ofeducation. Within this time both institutions have sha...
MBA Valedictorian Speech by The Khoa Do
Good morningladies and gentlemen! Dear ChairmanKim, President Endicott, Dean Rose, faculty and staff members, parents and allof my friends. It is an incredible honor to stand on this stage and representall my fellow MBAs on behalf of the spring 2017 class.Let me startmy speech by confess...
BBA Valedictorian Speech by Soyeong Kang (Spring 2...
Good morning everyone! I would like to welcome all faculty, alumni,friends, and family to this Spring 2017 Commencement Ceremony. Looking back atour freshmen year, it seems like it was just yesterday. The time we have spentin SolBridge has gone by so fast, yet all this while m...
CEO Mentoring Session at Estee Lauder Companies, S...
Lastweek, a group of 20 SolBridge students attended the CEO Mentoring session atEstée Lauder Companies in Seoul, Korea.Studentsreceived valuable insights from Mr. Christopher K. Wood, the General Manager,The Estée Lauder Companies, Korea. He has over ten years of experience in Koreainclu...
Foreign Trade University’s President Tuan visits ...
On 17th May 2017, President Endicott and Dean Rose were delighted to meet with their old friend, President Tuan from the Foreign Trade University (FTU). President Tuan and Dean Rose are former colleagues at the National Economics University in Vietnam where they worked hand-in-hand towards est...
Together We Can with the Honorable Ms. Na Kyung-wo...
The road tosuccess is not always a smooth one; along the way,there can be many bumps and obstacles—even more so if you are a woman.The HonorableMs. Na Kyung-won, a member of South Korea’s National Assembly, found this to be true when she was appointed the onlyfemale judge in Pusan.“Ins...
SolBridge Start-up Idea Competition 2017
On 17th May 2017, SolBridge held the Start-up Idea Competition2017. Six students were selected as top applicants out of the pool ofapplications. The selected students presented their ideas to a panel of judgesand an audience of over 50 attendees to choose the top 3 winners. After thedeliberati...
Platinum Lecture XXXXI: Economic Partnership’s Ke...
SolBridgersgot a rare peek into United States-South Korean relations when the Chargéd'Affaires for the US Embassy Seoul, Mr. Marc Knapper spoke to students andfaculty members during SolBridge’s forty-first Platinum lecture.“This is afirst for me,” Mr. Knapper said, joking to the audie...
SolBridge Global Leadership Camp 2017
Every year, SolBridge conducts a leadership camp wherestudents have the opportunity to improve their leadership skills surrounded bycolleagues. The workshop is led by an industry professional who helps studentsovercome various obstacles in a team building environment.Last weekend, twenty...
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