Special Program

Asian Case Study Competition Finals

Asian Case Study Competition Finals

 After weeks of grueling research, consultation with mentors, and meticulous preparation, the finals for the Fall 2013 Asian Case Study Competition were held in SolBridge.Assisted by mentors with expertise in China, India, Indonesia and Vietnam, the students prepared case studies for each of ...

Asian Market Research Competition: Round One

Asian Market Research Competition: Round One

 Recently students participating in the Fall 2013 Asian Market Competition completed the first round of the competition by presenting group presentations on one of four countries: China, India, Indonesia, and Vietnam. Assisted by mentors with expertise in the countries being researched for this...

SolBridge holds the 8th International Young Scientists Conference

SolBridge holds the 8th International Young Scient...

SolBridge recently held its eighth International Young Scientists Conference. Fifteen high school students from Kazakhstan and Russia came to SolBridge on Thursday, November 7 and made their presentations to Judges on Friday afternoon.Topics ranged Alternative Energy Sources to Zinc Oxide Surface Ad...

SolBridge Holds Second Rocket Pitch Competition

SolBridge Holds Second Rocket Pitch Competition

 How fast can you sell your idea?This was the challenge posed to the students for the second Rocket Pitch competition which was held at SolBridge on October 1. Twenty students competed in this exciting and intense competition. This competition, which is part of SolBridge’s “Sol-Challenge” pr...

Fall 2013 CEO Mentoring Program Kicks Off

Fall 2013 CEO Mentoring Program Kicks Off

 On Friday, September 27, the Fall 2013 CEO Mentoring Program got underway with an opening ceremony in the fourth floor auditorium followed by break-out sessions for the mentors and mentees. Six former CEOs are taking part in the program this semester: In-shik Kim, currently a Board Member of...

Summer Immersion Camps at SolBridge

Summer Immersion Camps at SolBridge

 Summers are a busy time at SolBridge. In addition to students taking courses during the two summer sessions, the school is also bustling with activity with a variety of summer camps and immersion programs.One of these programs is the English Summer Camp for participants from Russia, Kazakhstan...


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