Master in Management & Technology


Management, Technology & Experience


In this 22-month program, MIMT students must complete a total of 45 credit hours, comprising 
21 credits for core courses and 24 for electives.

From those electives, at least 9 credits must be taken from technology courses.
This is a graduation requirement of SolBridge to guarantee that its graduates are skilled in technology and management.

  • Offline Program at a Glance

    CREDITS 9 3 9 3 9 3 9
    CORE Managerial Skills Field Study in korea Management Information Systems
    Accounting & Decision Making Financial Management
    Marketing Management Business Economics
    ELECTIVES International Immersion* Electives
    (9 Credits)
    Internship* Capstone Project*
    Electives (6 ~ Credits)
    EXTRACURRICULAR Korean Language (Approximately 400 hours)
      60% Management 40% Technology

    * Required Courses (graduation requirement for regular students).
    Scroll right for the online program at a glance.

  • Online Program at a Glance

    CREDITS 9 3 9 3 9 3 9
    CORE Managerial Skills Elective
    (3 Credits)
    Management Information Systems Operations Management
    Accounting & Decision Making Financial Management
    Marketing Management Business Economics
    ELECTIVES Elective
    (3 Credits)
    (6 Credits)
    (3 Credits)
    (9 Credits)
      60% Management 40% Technology

Core Courses

Core Courses Credits
Managerial Skills ▼
This course introduces the student to the basic skills for managing people and organizations as well as how to understand different backgrounds of different people so that they can communicate each other. The course deals with motivation, individual and group decision-making, conflict, power and politics, leadership, job design, performance maintenance, organizational environment, organization structure and design, and emerging trends and challenges.
Accounting & Decision Making ▼
This course is the accumulation, analysis and presentation of a business enterprise’s relevant financial data for creditors, investors, and other external decision makers.
Marketing Management ▼
The course introduces marketing management theories and concepts involving in the analysis of marketing environment, planning and implementation of marketing programs (product, price, place and promotion) and marketing strategies to attract, satisfy, and retain customers. The course enables students to develop marketing strategies and framework with moral, socially responsible and ethical consideration.
Field Study in Korea (Offline Program) ▼
This course focuses on developing our students’ Global Perspective and Korean Expertise. Students must be aware of the impact of Korean Culture on managing in and across various business types and segments in the Korean Market. During this course, students will visit business sites to gain real experiences and try to solve business issues guided by hosting companies.
Management Information Systems ▼
Information Technology (IT) has become a vital part of the operations and management of organizations of every kind and size. Increasingly, the successful manager is the one who knows how to take advantage of this situation by deploying IT in the most effective manner. This course covers the general structure of Information Technology applications and their use. It also delves into the different kinds of information systems that managers are likely to encounter and investigates how to make best use of these systems.
Financial Management ▼
This course is an introduction to business finance, corporate financial management and investments. Students gain an understanding of tools and frameworks necessary to analyze financial decisions based on principles of modern financial theory.
Business Economics ▼
The course introduces the principles of economics, including both microeconomics and macroeconomics, with a special focus on the applications of these principles in business activities. Topics to be covered include: consumer theory, producer theory, partial equilibrium theory, general equilibrium theory, game theory, information economics, business cycle analysis, economic growth theory, fiscal policy and monetary policy analysis.
Operations Management (Online Program) ▼
This course has two aims. Firstly, it familiarizes the students with the operations management discipline, i.e. major topics, terminology, methodologies and tools. Secondly, students will apply quantitative and statistical techniques for the solution of the challenges faced by the operations manager.
Korean Language (Offline Program) ▼
Students will go through an initial test early in their first semester and will be classified according to their Korean language skills. The Korean Language classes will be available from Beginner to Advanced level, in order to better accommodate each student’s proficiency.

Exceptions will be given for those who wish to do an extracurricular activity other than Korean Language classes, which must also be equivalent to 400 hours. Some examples of extracurricular activities are online courses (e.g. from EdX, Udemy, Cousera), certificated courses or programs from other institutions, other language programs, and voluntary work. Please, be aware that any chosen activity must have a certificate proving your efforts and contribution.

To apply for any extracurricular activity, the student must 1) submit a detailed proposal to the MIMT program director, 2) receive an approval from the director before initiating the activity, 3) submit the results, achievements and certificates to the program director before the end of the last semester.

The equivalency and validity of the activities reported will be decided by the MIMT program director and SolBridge’s administration.

Students with a TOPIK 4 score or higher or who are native Korean are not required to take the Korean Language classes or to deliver the extracurricular activity.

Elective Courses


For detailed information about the elective courses, download course descriptions; Offline Program and Offline Program.pdf

Technology Electives Credits Other Electives Credits
Computer Programming with Python 3 Doing Business in China 3
Computer Programming with R 3 Doing Business in Korea 3
Data Analytics for Business 3 Financial Derivatives 3
Database Marketing 3 Financial Markets and Institutions 3
Marketing Analytics 3 Global Strategic Management 3
Pricing Analytics 3 International Business in Asia 3
Regression Analysis with R for Business 3 International Marketing 3
Social Media and Digital Marketing 3 Investment Analysis 3
Cybersecurity 3 Marketing Communications and Advertising 3
Database Management 3 Marketing Research 3
Digital Business & Innovation 3 Marketing Strategy 3
Software Engineering 3 Mergers & Acquisitions 3
Strategy for Tech 3 Operations Management 3
Tech Entrepreneurship & Product Development 3 Project Management 3
Other Electives Credits Special Topics In Finance 3
Master’s Thesis 3 Special Topics in International Business 3
Business Communication 3 Special Topics in Marketing 3
Consumer Behavior and Decision Making 3 Statistical Analysis 3
Corporate Finance 3 Strategic Management 3

Graduation Requirements


Offline Program

  • Curricular: 45 credits (21 for core, 24 for electives—at least 9 for tech electives), International immersion, Internship, Capstone Project
  • Non-curricular: First year seminar, Business ethics, Korean language*
  • * Students should submit official score of TOPIK level 4 to be qualified for graduation, or should take all Korean Language classes (extra-curricular/ with approximately 400 hours/ pass or fail).

Online Program

  • Curricular: 45 credits (21 for core, 24 for electives—at least 9 for tech electives)
  • Non-curricular: First year seminar, Business ethics

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