Sep 24th / Oct 15th
Nov 12th / Dec 3rd
1h30min each
Delivered by Zoom
English & Korean
Free of any charges!
Date | Topic | Language | Speakers |
September 24th, 2020 – 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. KST |
How is COVID 19 Transforming Business : The New DIET (Digital, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology) & Technology and the Untact Economy after COVID19. |
English | Dr. Dipak C. Jain, Dr. Frank Mulhern, Dr. JR Reagan, Dr. Hamid Bouchikhi, and ByungIk Jung |
October 15th, 2020 – 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. KST |
The 4th Industrial Revolution : Opportunities and Challenges for Human Resources Management and Organization Design. |
Korean | Seok Jip Kim - CEO of NEMO Partners HR & Organization Division, and ByungIk Jung |
November 12th, 2020 – 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. KST |
The 4th Industrial Revolution : Legal Issues and Intellectual Property Strategy |
Korean | Hyung Joo Lim - Lawyer & Partner at Yulchon Attorneys at Law, Dr. Joshua Park, and ByungIk Jung |
December 3rd, 2020 – 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. KST |
A Systematic Approach to Big Data, Analytics, AI and Technology for Business | English | Dr. Dipak C. Jain, Dr. Frank Mulhern, Dr. Hamid Bouchikhi, and ByungIk Jung |
President of CEIBS
Honorary President, Woosong University, Korea
Former Dean of INSEAD,
Former Dean of Kellogg School of
Management, Northwestern University
Associate Dean of Medill School of Journalism,
Media, and Integrated Marketing Communications
Northwestern University
Dean of SolBridge International
School of Business
Former Entrepreneurship Center Director, ESSEC Business School
CEO & President of IdeaXplorer
Former Global Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), Deloitte
Ph.D Shenandoah University
CEO of NEMO Partners HR &
Organization Division
Lawyer & Partner at
Yulchon Attorneys at Law
Associate Dean of SolBridge International School of Business
J.D. Harvard Law School
Director of Graduate and
Non Degree Programs &
Director of Administration at SolBridge
MBA from INSEAD France
1st Session
We are living in a fast moving and challenging global environment. Consumers today are more knowledgeable, more digitally savvy and are demanding more value-for-money. Competitors, in turn, are getting more aggressive. They vary from local players to well-managed multinationals. Sometimes competition is arising from unexpected new players. Furthermore, large corporations as well as entrepreneurial ‘start-ups’ are bringing more innovative products and services to the market place driven by new technological developments. In order to survive and thrive in this demanding and competitive market place, this session will focus on how firms must create meaningful differentiation (value creation) by having an innovative mindset, develop consumer’s willingness to pay the right price (value capture) and attract and retain top talent (human capital) by building a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.
This session will explore South Korea’s plans for developing ‘Untact’ digital technologies for the Post-Pandemic Economy. The core of this strategy is to establish a lead in technologies that reduce the need for person-to-person interaction. The strategy also calls for further investment in Data-Networks-AI (DNA) as well as robots, drones, self-driving vehicles, and other technologies. In this talk, Untact technology case studies will be highlighted including their practical use in the future
Time | Agenda | Speakers |
8:00 p.m. ~ 8:10 p.m. | Opening | Byung-Ik Jung |
8:10 p.m. ~ 8:50 p.m. | Presentations | Dr. Dipak C. Jain & Dr. JR Reagan |
8:50 p.m. ~ 9:15 p.m. | Panel Discussion | Dr. Hamid Bouchikhi, Dr. Dipak C. Jain, Dr. JR Reagan, and Dr. Frank Mulhern |
9:15 p.m. ~ 9:30 p.m. | Questions & Answers | Byung-Ik Jung |
9:30 p.m. | Closing | Byung-Ik Jung |
2nd Session
Covid-19 이후 기업 경영의 불확실성은 더욱 커지고 있다. 불확실성을 극복하기 위해 기업은 더욱 더 기민하게 움직이고, 실패의 리스크를 줄이고자 한다. 최근 국내외 많은 기업들이 도입을 검토하고 있는 ‘Agile’에 대한 개념과 Agile 조직 운영체계 도입이 어려운 기업들에게 대안이 될 수 있는 ‘Helix’ 조직 운영체계를 소개한다.
Time | Agenda | Speakers |
7:00 p.m. ~ 7:10 p.m. | Opening | 정병익 |
7:10 p.m. ~ 7:50 p.m. | Presentations | 김석집 |
7:50 p.m. ~ 8:10 p.m. | Panel Discussion | 김석집, 정병익 |
8:10 p.m. ~ 8:30 p.m. | Questions & Answers | 정병익 |
8:30 p.m. | Closing | 정병익 |
3rd Session
어렵게 개발한 기술이 유출되는 것을 방지하는 것은 기술을 개발하는 것만큼이나 중요합니다. 법무법인 율촌의 영업비밀/기술유출 담당 전문변호사가 최근 발생하는 기술유출의 여러 유형을 설명 드리고, 실제 기술유출 수사실무(포렌식 포함)도 소개합니다. 더 나아가 회사 스스로의 보안상태를 점검하고, 지금 당장 실행할 수 있는 보안조치가 무엇인지 서로 논의하는 기회가 될 것입니다.
Time | Agenda | Speakers |
7:00 p.m. ~ 7:10 p.m. | Opening | 정병익 |
7:10 p.m. ~ 7:50 p.m. | Presentations | 임형주 |
7:50 p.m. ~ 8:10 p.m. | Panel Discussion | 임형주, Dr. Joshua Park. |
8:10 p.m. ~ 8:30 p.m. | Questions & Answers | Dr. Joshua Park. |
8:30 p.m. | Closing | 정병익 |
4th Session
The transformative changes taking place for business represent a collection of interconnected developments that can’t be understood, or utilized, in isolation. These developments are not singularly about big data, AI, technology or IoT. It’s all of those things, combined with necessary adaptations of people and organizations that spawn a very new era for businesses.
Time | Agenda | Speakers |
8:00 p.m. ~ 8:10 p.m. | Opening | Byung-Ik Jung |
8:10 p.m. ~ 8:50 p.m. | Presentations | Dr. Frank Mulhern |
8:50 p.m. ~ 9:10 p.m. | Panel Discussion | Dr. Hamid Bouchikhi, Dr. Frank Mulhern, and Dr. Dipak C. Jain. |
9:10 p.m. ~ 9:30 p.m. | Questions & Answers | Byung-Ik Jung |
9:30 p.m. | Closing | Byung-Ik Jung |